1. Slow down and emphasize on important thing with vocal variety, esp. those number people can easily missed - VERY IMPORTANT than you IMAGINE!
2. Be concise, and remove unnecessary details.
3. Frame, Clarify and Reframe.
1. Slow down and emphasize on important thing with vocal variety, esp. those number people can easily missed - VERY IMPORTANT than you IMAGINE!
2. Be concise, and remove unnecessary details.
3. Frame, Clarify and Reframe.
1. We know 2-3 years of centre, ppl will start attrition (usual trend of ppl finding new job now), but i don't know it's LM
2. I now template prmpt is more effective (it required less thinking from LLM), but I don't know the exact way is graph.
1. 很有耐心和细致的去思考一个问题,能抓住重点
2. 很有主见,因为1,因为懂得让东西简化
3. 松弛感,但能成事,因为1
4. 拉人做事,比较involve, 但是一次性
5. 聪明,一下子理解比较复杂的概念
6. 懂得高层用意,懂得自己老板最重要。
Treat him as a client
1. 尊敬地提出建议,并征求同意
2. 面对控制欲,减少向上信息
3. 减少消极影响
4. 增加汇报频率
5. 不主动揽事
6. 保持“按流程”与弹性的平衡
Text2SQL production
1. SQL generation解不出来
Paper downside
1. Text2SQL can't be sota
Stock downside
1. Some key risk happened
SU downside
1. No body wants it
ITW downside
1. Communication issue
1. Leet and knowledge not prepare