Friday, April 26, 2024

Vision -> Action

 Elon musk achieves two things - make world greener, make astronimal travel easier

Start with vision in mind

e.g., if make word greener then

 - find out what pollute the world the most

 - engineer a replacement solution

 - go into the engineering

Ultimately, there is only so many worthwhile visions in mind.

With a vision in mind, you work for the vision, not the money or other things.

That will be long time sustainable and will be more effective overall.

That's why He initialization and my method both novel, And He even easier, but he is rooted from a better perspective, that perspective is more important then implementation.

Choose vision >> implementation.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


 看着自己的paper, 想法多新奇,但是解决的问题都不太重要

看着这种bert 什么的 wordpiece encoder,想法同样新奇,但是解决的场景确实很重要的。

lesson - 选个重要的场景,花着同样的思维,带来同样的研究快感,但产生impact却大大不同。


其实也难说。。。generative AI 一出来,曾经重要又好用的的比如conditional random field,都被取代了。。


但又一些work比如resnet, 比如He Initialization, 想法简单,但是因为够底层,所以relatively invariant to new model, 因为new model也要用上。

Monday, April 22, 2024

Elevating Startup Success: Lessons from the Front Lines of Research

In the fast-paced world of startups, distinguishing groundbreaking work from the ordinary is crucial, mirroring the challenges in academic research. Drawing inspiration from Fei-Fei Li's 2009 advice on crafting impactful research papers in computer vision, startups can glean vital insights to propel their innovations forward.

Focus on Impact, Not Just Innovation

Much like in academic research, where only a handful of papers make a lasting impression despite thousands being published, startups must aim to solve significant problems that genuinely advance their field. It's not enough to introduce a new product or service—success hinges on addressing pivotal challenges that reshape the market or consumer behavior. This focus on impact rather than novelty ensures that a startup doesn’t just create a splash, but actually changes the course of its industry.

Quality Over Quantity

Fei-Fei Li emphasized the importance of producing work that could lead and inspire future studies, rather than merely adding to the noise. For startups, this translates to developing products or services that aren't just incrementally better, but are capable of setting new benchmarks or creating new markets. In an ecosystem flooded with new ventures, those that prioritize depth and transformative potential in their offerings are the ones that carve out a lasting presence.

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

Echoing Einstein's principle of simplicity, startups should strive to create solutions that are as straightforward as possible yet fully effective. This approach not only makes the product more user-friendly but also enhances its adaptability and scalability. Complexity should only be as deep as necessary to provide a unique value that simpler solutions cannot.

Communicating Your Vision

The ability to communicate effectively is as crucial in academia as it is in the startup world. For startups, this means crafting a clear, compelling narrative not only for potential customers but also for investors, partners, and employees. Every communication should reflect the startup’s vision, its understanding of the problem, and the uniqueness of its solution, much like a well-written research paper communicates its thesis and findings.

Building for the Long Haul

Fei-Fei Li's counsel to her students to aim for papers that would be remembered for years parallels the startup need for long-term thinking. Startups should not be seduced by short-term gains or superficial metrics of success. Instead, they should measure their impact by their ability to remain relevant and lead in their sector over time.

Rigorous Validation

Just as rigorous experimentation and validation are indispensable in research, startups must also rigorously test their products and business models. This involves not just initial validation but ongoing testing to adapt to changing market dynamics and consumer needs. This continuous loop of feedback and improvement is vital for sustaining innovation and relevance.


By applying the principles outlined by Fei-Fei Li for producing significant research papers, startups can enhance their chances of success in an increasingly competitive and saturated market. The emphasis should be on solving important problems, ensuring simplicity in solutions, communicating effectively, and aiming for lasting impact. These guidelines serve as a beacon for startups aiming not just to exist but to excel and redefine the boundaries of what is possible in their industries.

Several startups in the past have exemplified the principles of solving significant problems, ensuring simplicity, effective communication, rigorous validation, and aiming for lasting impact. Here are a few notable examples:

1. Tesla, Inc.

Significant Problem Solved: Tesla tackled the significant issue of sustainable transportation with its development of electric cars, aiming to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions. Simplicity: Tesla’s innovation lies in its integration of cutting-edge technology with user-friendly interfaces, making electric cars appealing and accessible to a broader audience. Effective Communication: Tesla's branding and Elon Musk's vision of a sustainable future have been clearly communicated, resonating strongly with consumers and investors alike.

2. Airbnb

Significant Problem Solved: Airbnb addressed the problem of expensive and limited hotel accommodations by creating a platform where people can rent out their homes or rooms, providing a more personalized and often cheaper alternative. Simplicity: The concept behind Airbnb is simple—allow homeowners to generate income from unused space while providing travelers affordable lodging options. Effective Communication: Airbnb has excelled in communicating a sense of community and local experience, which has been central to its marketing strategy.

3. Stripe

Significant Problem Solved: Stripe made it significantly easier for online businesses and e-commerce platforms to integrate payment processing, addressing the complexity that developers faced with other payment gateways. Simplicity: The platform is known for its straightforward API and easy integration process, which have become industry benchmarks for payment solutions. Effective Communication: Stripe has effectively communicated its value proposition to developers first, ensuring it became the go-to solution for startups needing reliable and easy-to-implement payment systems.

4. Spotify

Significant Problem Solved: Spotify changed the music industry by offering an all-you-can-stream model, solving problems related to illegal downloads and limited access to music. Simplicity: Spotify’s user interface is intuitive, allowing users easy access to a vast library of music with a simple search. Effective Communication: Its model of legal music streaming combined with its ability to personalize playlists and discover new artists has been key to its communication strategy.

5. Google

Significant Problem Solved: Google revolutionized the way information is accessed by creating a powerful and accurate search engine that quickly sorts through vast amounts of data. Simplicity: Google’s homepage is famously simple, featuring mostly just a search bar, which underscores its user-friendly design. Effective Communication: Google has consistently communicated a clear vision of organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful.

Each of these startups has demonstrated the importance of addressing key problems with innovative solutions that are simple, well-communicated, and rigorously tested. They not only found immediate success but have also made long-lasting impacts on their respective industries.