Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
To understand machine learning, I have discovered the cousera website, which accumulates the lectures from some well-known universities.
During registration, I discover the way that put out the form is very user-friendly, really put user in mind.
I discovered there are several things that worth mentioned in the lecture given by Andrew Ng.
First, he has minimal assumption on what students know - e.g., it assumes student does not know calculus and linear algebra. Second, the contents of the lectures are more on application of machine learning, and for maths, it use example to concretize our understanding; for advance level math that do not hinder our understanding by not knowing their working details, it omits them, and only provides the general idea for us. Thirdly, it uses electronic pen to draw picture, and this makes him easier to communicate the idea to us. Forth, it provides some review questions in the midst of the talk, to let us review the materials immediately.
The video player is also very good - it provides function to increase/decrease speed of video, where such functions are necessary for lecture video so we can quickly get through the contents that are easy or is already known by us. It also retains all the slide materials that are used in the video, so that students could download.
All in all, it puts students in the shoes, let students understand the materials in a shorter time, and it also uses interesting example to increase the interest of student.
Nothing is perfect. One thing that worth improving is to provide summary note for lecture contents so that people can revise from those notes. Lecture slides provides many details, but it is not useful for efficient review for knowledge that we have learnt. Furthermore, the playback of video sometimes make the screen stagnant, while the audio keeps going. Sometimes, it just buffer till certain stage, and it won't be playing anymore, need to reload the screen to make it playing.
最近为了了解machine learning,发现这个大学教科网站,聚集各所著名大学的讲课。
register填form的时候,发现用最少的功夫,很容易就将他填好了。我觉得Andrew Ng讲课有几点值得学习的。第一点,对学生做minimal assumption,基本都是assume学生不懂calculus 和linear algebra, 这个我觉得还是挺好的,如果是比较难,或者比较简单的,会有一些 optional 的章节,然后让学生optional的章节会说些什么,让学生决定要不要看;第二点讲课内容偏实际,着重在实际运用,数学方面用example来concretize 我们的观念,一些比较深,但是不太需要知道的观念,就进行省略;第三点,就是用电子笔花图,来着重我们的了解;第四点,lecture中会有一些习题,让我们能够及时复习思考。
Video Player 的制作也相当不错。能加快,变慢,lecture video 最需要这样的功能了。易懂的内容,就给他赶快的过去。同时也能share 和 provide comment。那些在教科过程中用电子笔画过的slide,也保留下来让学生下载。
整体来说,很为学生着想 - 让学生用最少的时间,来了解,并懂得运用。用各种生动的例子,来增加学生的兴趣。
可以进步的地方是,可以有个summary note,让学生容易复习所讲重点。有时候slide比较着重的是讲的过程,没那么着重在重点,summary note 重点在去其糟粕,取其精华。
During registration, I discover the way that put out the form is very user-friendly, really put user in mind.
I discovered there are several things that worth mentioned in the lecture given by Andrew Ng.
First, he has minimal assumption on what students know - e.g., it assumes student does not know calculus and linear algebra. Second, the contents of the lectures are more on application of machine learning, and for maths, it use example to concretize our understanding; for advance level math that do not hinder our understanding by not knowing their working details, it omits them, and only provides the general idea for us. Thirdly, it uses electronic pen to draw picture, and this makes him easier to communicate the idea to us. Forth, it provides some review questions in the midst of the talk, to let us review the materials immediately.
The video player is also very good - it provides function to increase/decrease speed of video, where such functions are necessary for lecture video so we can quickly get through the contents that are easy or is already known by us. It also retains all the slide materials that are used in the video, so that students could download.
All in all, it puts students in the shoes, let students understand the materials in a shorter time, and it also uses interesting example to increase the interest of student.
Nothing is perfect. One thing that worth improving is to provide summary note for lecture contents so that people can revise from those notes. Lecture slides provides many details, but it is not useful for efficient review for knowledge that we have learnt. Furthermore, the playback of video sometimes make the screen stagnant, while the audio keeps going. Sometimes, it just buffer till certain stage, and it won't be playing anymore, need to reload the screen to make it playing.
最近为了了解machine learning,发现这个大学教科网站,聚集各所著名大学的讲课。
register填form的时候,发现用最少的功夫,很容易就将他填好了。我觉得Andrew Ng讲课有几点值得学习的。第一点,对学生做minimal assumption,基本都是assume学生不懂calculus 和linear algebra, 这个我觉得还是挺好的,如果是比较难,或者比较简单的,会有一些 optional 的章节,然后让学生optional的章节会说些什么,让学生决定要不要看;第二点讲课内容偏实际,着重在实际运用,数学方面用example来concretize 我们的观念,一些比较深,但是不太需要知道的观念,就进行省略;第三点,就是用电子笔花图,来着重我们的了解;第四点,lecture中会有一些习题,让我们能够及时复习思考。
Video Player 的制作也相当不错。能加快,变慢,lecture video 最需要这样的功能了。易懂的内容,就给他赶快的过去。同时也能share 和 provide comment。那些在教科过程中用电子笔画过的slide,也保留下来让学生下载。
整体来说,很为学生着想 - 让学生用最少的时间,来了解,并懂得运用。用各种生动的例子,来增加学生的兴趣。
可以进步的地方是,可以有个summary note,让学生容易复习所讲重点。有时候slide比较着重的是讲的过程,没那么着重在重点,summary note 重点在去其糟粕,取其精华。
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
交 thesis
下午两点去NUS 靠近staff club那边装订thesis的,发现当天拿的一本要SGD16,三天拿的一本只要SGD 9! 由于明天就是deadline了,所以等不了三天,今天就选择当天拿。staff说五点弄好。这个交thesis本身就要到student service center交SGD 535 - 所以我这次submit 一本thesis 总共花了SGD 615,不过还是很愉快的交了这个钱,submit了thesis,顿时也轻松多了,要不过了deadline,就要多交一学期学费呀。
两点给它装订后,就到utown 去,弄thesis的CD。路过卖utown运动器材哪里,买了两把羽球拍,和一些乒乓球。CD弄好后,就去找SAM machine 交机票的钱,网上查了一下,正好singapore polytechnic空手道学习场地靠近foodcourt 5那里有一台。于是从utown 走到singapore polytechnic去,后来发现,那台SAM machine因为建筑在扩建被移走了! 不过也一年没来singapore polytechinic了,发现singapore polytechnic 还变化了不少,在foodcourt 5, 本来卖pizza hut 的地方,现在变成了starbucks, 其他的摊位统统都不认识的了。而且一整个food court现在都有空调的了。值得一提的是 DMIT foodcourt 6的云吞面,最喜欢那边的云吞面了,可是不知道是不是生意太好了,他们家开到中午就关了,要很早去才能吃到,去年就是为了吃他家的云吞面,特地跑到SP去的呀。
接着就前往clementi mrt 找SAM machine,终于找到并付钱了。付完钱之后,到麦当劳买了我最喜欢的oreo mcflurry来吃,大热天吃这个最爽了。然后96回到学校,那时估计4:45pm把,发现也已经装订好了,于是就把这些都submit到ngs去了。帮我查文件的是 Wendy, 学费单子上面显示2600++未交余额,不过她说如果交了thesis两三个礼拜会自动取消掉,这个得好好看着,要不giro会自懂扣钱滴。然后她数我的module credit,一直数到28,连数两次,不过幸好我注意到她都是22+4=24,于是数一遍给她看,总共有30没错。然后她再给我仔细说了一遍交了thesis后面的流程,包括会send两封email给我们,一封是tentative date for receiving thesis comment,一封是confirm date。希望review过程一切顺利的哇。
submit完thesis后,就在science canteen吃了个印尼烧烤,结束了这一系列紧凑的活动啦。
Sunday, August 18, 2013
最近一直在思考,是不是可以在闲暇时间,写些神马Open Source Software, 或者写些像CodeProject.com之类的科技教材, 又或者分享自己是学习CS方面的知识的心得,来回馈一下这个Community呢,看来这真是很不错的idea呀。
Monday, August 12, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
有次出来,看到朵朵被挥洒银色月光的云朵,从学生宿舍延伸出来,而月亮就躲在在宿舍的后面。于是一直向前走,直到能看到月亮为止 - 原来月亮就被衬在银色的云朵的中间,煞是好看 - 只是手机不给力,无法捕捉到这些美,于是就将这些,寄存在记忆里了。
有些时候,也会看到,月亮四周,有着一个很大的光环,有时还有两个,一圈一圈的围绕着月亮 - 一个小小的月亮,在硕大的光环下,顿时变得很壮观漂亮。
看着月亮,尤其是圆圆的月亮,很有感觉 - 而且会勾起很多的回忆,因为从有记忆以来,月亮就一直存在着,各种回忆也和月亮挂起勾来。记得小时候,会拿着望远镜去研究月亮,看着上面的各种坑洞,想象身处月亮的感觉。有时候,也会什么也不想,傻傻的看着月亮,看着月亮钻进云里,又从云里钻出来。
距离中秋节还有一个多月,那是个赏月佳节,月亮又大又圆。 其实只要静静的在一个敞开的空间,看着月亮,唱着水调歌头里的意境,就非常非常的有感觉。
有次出来,看到朵朵被挥洒银色月光的云朵,从学生宿舍延伸出来,而月亮就躲在在宿舍的后面。于是一直向前走,直到能看到月亮为止 - 原来月亮就被衬在银色的云朵的中间,煞是好看 - 只是手机不给力,无法捕捉到这些美,于是就将这些,寄存在记忆里了。
有些时候,也会看到,月亮四周,有着一个很大的光环,有时还有两个,一圈一圈的围绕着月亮 - 一个小小的月亮,在硕大的光环下,顿时变得很壮观漂亮。
看着月亮,尤其是圆圆的月亮,很有感觉 - 而且会勾起很多的回忆,因为从有记忆以来,月亮就一直存在着,各种回忆也和月亮挂起勾来。记得小时候,会拿着望远镜去研究月亮,看着上面的各种坑洞,想象身处月亮的感觉。有时候,也会什么也不想,傻傻的看着月亮,看着月亮钻进云里,又从云里钻出来。
距离中秋节还有一个多月,那是个赏月佳节,月亮又大又圆。 其实只要静静的在一个敞开的空间,看着月亮,唱着水调歌头里的意境,就非常非常的有感觉。
Thursday, August 1, 2013
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