Friday, February 15, 2013
Efficient and Effective paper writing
Paper Writing Prolongation
Structural Prolongation
Say talk about monitoring, don't just talk about
how it works, talk about
and example that need it
Considering the situation that need it
it and defending it
(Solve the question that would naturally comes to the mind of the reviewer)
a)What language to specify
We view the question of harvesting properties as well as the
exact language for specifying them as orthogonal to our
work, and we assume that properties are expressed as monitors (claim
that it is orthogonal)
b) Why
infinite liveness is not supported? How do you make
the infinite liveness property becomes finite?
liveness properties are violated only by in fite be haviors and thus are not monitorable [16]. However, BPEL applications are
run-to-completion programs which are expected to terminate. By the explicit
addition of the \terminate" (TER) event, liveness
properties become bounded and thus are readily monitorable. (Claim that it is unnecessary, Claim using
Mentioning the scenario, and how it is going to work in this
4. Formalize it
for prolonging a problem
Problem (in general)
Hence, performing an exhaustive search to find the best combination that satisfy a certain composition level SLA (i.e. end-to-end QoS constraints) is not practical in this scenario, as the number of possible combinations can be very huge, based on the number of subtasks comprising the composite process and the number of alternative services for each subtask.
Problem (more
Already with few hundreds of candidate services (or service
configurations) the required time for finding the best combination will exceed the constraints for realtime execution
(e.g., with 100 alternative options for each subtask in our example, we have
1005 possible combinations). This problem can be modeled
as a combinatorial problem, which is known to be NP-hard in the strong sense, i.e. it is expected that any
exact solution to this problem has an exponential cost [15].
Conclusion for the
problem (more detailed)
Therefore, reducing the search space by focusing only on “interesting” service offers is crucial for reducing the computation cost.
Sentence Prolongation
Existing tools support the interception of
events by passing the events that has been running to the user
Concretize it, Example
Existing tools - Many BPEL application server,
such as
Break in to two sentences
By - the interception mechanism
More specific on the verb
Has been running- pass between the application
and the program
Many BPEL application server,
such as Apache ODE, ActiveVOS, Oracle BPEL Process
Manager etc. supports the interception of events. The interception mechanism
captures events in as they pass between the application server and the program.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
How to write a research paper
4. Don't go over and writing first, go for a outline, and write down what to write, and think of a running example and think of how to handle the presentation and technical difficulty for each page. If you think it is ok, then refine the outline again for more detailed. Think exactly what you are writing.
Below is not a correct approach, as writing without a clear picture of the paper, will let you purposeless, and might lead to waste of effort
1. Writing content
- Focus on the point to write
- Read other paper to gather other point to write
- After all, commit them in one go.
- Give yourself enough time and go slowly
3. Partially focus on the symbol used.
1. organizing the structure
2. grammatical correctness,
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
发现idea 的历程
2. 再来是想不要fixed state的话,可以用神马方法,fixed state有个问题就是state explosion problem。脑中蹦现random walk于是就从这里出发,发现了Astar,但是始终不得好办法。(历时2-3天)
3. 然后选择放弃,就用fixed state 的方法好了。(历时 7天)
4. 写paper着,写着写着,忽然想到能不能用dynamic length的chromosome呢,发现可以!(也是一瞬间)
结论是,一个idea的生成,很多时候并不是一瞬间的,而是经过各种酝酿,然后忽然一阵 aha!
Friday, February 1, 2013