Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bill Gates

看了一些nexflix 感觉bill gates 的可学习点挺多

1. 非常专注,非常勤劳
2. 找出重要问题,然后寻找解决方法 - 甚至颠覆目前现有的方法
3. 很乐观,no give up, work harder
4. Seeing things very rationally (melinda add human touch)
5. Optimization is the key
6. fearless
7. Core: all people are equal

climate change (How to reduce CO2 through innovative idea, nuclear energy - super computer to test ideas TerrPower - reinvent nuclear plant - inherently safe by cool down with few power, 90% unused, recycle it - no greenhouse gas, save, economic)
scale economic business - work with China for Bill Gates

polio (resource manageement,have map, see where inot cover, find best area by science to tackle, quantitative analysis)
diarrhea (new system  - sanitation toilet and sewer system)


-I think you  just asked for the most you thought you could ask for, you did not ask for what it's really going to take to have a high probability of success.
-if monopoly means extremely high market share with short term market power, the answer is yes
-if it means that we had an unchallengeable position where new and better technology didn't have a chance to replace us, the answer is no.
-You bet. I'd rather have them live there than next to a coal plant or natural gas plant.
- if we fail, but only if we fail

Warren Buffet questions
Why IBM can't beat MS
What is the economics of MS
Where do you find smart people in things MS did

How things are price

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