Monday, July 22, 2024

Advice to my sister

 so for now you need to prepare

1. good resume (make sure your resume is good...bad resume will just get filtered off before you get interview) 

- you can send to me, I can help you change it

2. self introduction (HR screening. or first interview)

- you can introduce yourself to me, i can help you hear it

3. Technical (like accounting)

- go glassdoor and see what is typically ask for the role you apply, prepare for common

4. Behavioral

- typically this is like 3rd, 4th interview...use star method to answer it..

I recommend you go by sequence 1, 2, 3, 4

After you get a new job

you can start to learn from job first, and see whether you have opportunity for value increfment (salary, role), not all company and team has such oppty

if yes then you can start to work on the following:

1. Make sure you understand the job well, and delivered concrete result

2. Make sure the result is well communicated (this is where the business English will be used)

The purpose of 1,2 is to get you a good rating..and potential opportunity for promotion

When you move further you will realize that

1. you spend exactly the same or maybe lesser effort (esp. to lower tier job), but you get much better income

2. at the beginning, hard technical work is differentiator, but when you grow further, communication will become more and more important, it will become a differentiator

3. there is always a ceiling for growth...when you go to certain will reach a plateau

But for now...the ceiling is still far away...

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