6:30 Wakeup
7:33 Chanting
8:30 done
10:38 Finish Insurance, Admin Stuff, Analysis Icon put correctly,
22:18 Finish scroll bar, exercise,
6:30 Wakeup
8:45 Chanting
9:35 Salary
10:00 Baby
10:38 restart machine
12:24 make questions as redux
2:04 Nap
3:24 Finish the questions as redux
4:06 Make redux for question as active and unanswered
9:08 Back
9:15 news etc.
9:40 Done Make redux for question as active and unanswered
10:09 FB and prepare to sleep
6:48 wakeup
6:51 with knee protect
7:16 jmg
7:39 eat + bath
8:39 xf done
8:44 back
8:58 Coarse Graine Planning (around 6 mins) - other just go and handle nan
9:02 Detailed Planning
9:21 make a dummy reply
10:58 infinite progress bar done
11:06 processing done
11:21 cancel process param
12:25 lunch and sleep
1:58 wake
2:26 random browse
2:41 done cancellable preocessing
3:57 error message for analysis reply
7:16 wakeup
7:23 news, reply shixiong
11:00 finish everything (reply tbsn answer, call parent, see articles, and chanting)
11:23 lunch
11:55 finish the designing and inputValue understanding and removed\
13:13 wakeup
13:39 start
14:03 finish the front end for process analysis
15:20 rectify display issues
16:50 back
17:05 update DB done
18:40 Get Visual display done + Dinner
6:23 wakeup
6:36 understand ilya design + chrome developer tool
7:35 finish breakfast, bath, jmg
8:39 xf done
9:12 finish admin stuff
9:23 finish mnist
9:54 ask doctor, and also processAnalysis
12:48 Experiment the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 (lunch, meeting, and everything)
Really need tomato and timebox
13:45 Nap
14:30 Think of the reply and go massage (a bit emotion turbulence)
16:45 Back
17:38 Recollect the mind for development
18:22 Eating
45 mins to Gym...
20:54 back
21:28 news
Some GPT Insight
1. most productive at evening
6:28 Wake up
6:32 see here there
7:08 jmg
7:16 handle godaddy
7:52 breakfast + bathing
8:05 see news
9:09 xf
a. 编程、急
b. 工作情景
c. 过往情景
9:10 start
9:35 change to be able to open with araxis merge
9:57 initial props done
10:29 props from db done
10:50 lunch
11:45 finish the hover for question navigation
12:12 overflow fix
好拉 弄了20天终于到了主要部分了。。
1:00 listen to meeting
14:57 Wake up
16:13 Thinking of whether to return the GM question
18:00 Try out the questions
19:17 LOU discussion (with baby+prompt engineering)
21:52 Back from cycle
20:26 Understand Ilya design
这个部分耗时挺长 (前后4天),主要没经验,
1. 需要form prompt
2. 再来GPT 一般work, 就是data formating 要注意
再来是有几个Big bugs
7:14am waketup
7:21am finish yesterday
7:52 jmg + breakfast
8:10 breakfast
8:21 this blog
9:26 xf
9:35 design
10:02 fix the first item select issue (the execution sequence due to async and
10:46 investigate the big bug3 and draft and stackoverflow question and ask
11:08 put a ondelete screen
11:29 lunch
11:59 meeting
12:11 news
13:47 back
14:21 shixiong+mother+transfer money+KW reply
14:42 write code the extract content
15:05 popup delete code done
15:12 delete logic done
15:43 delete option and with right option selected
15:49 question container hover
16:06 document on ts and to start on the question
17:40 add question done
chatgpt is not getting the best suggestion - you need to ask it to put in onSubmit of form, the more specific the better. If you are going to ask where is the best place to put the code, as it first, before you form instruction. For GPT, focus is good, smaller amount of clearer task will increase the ROI
17:49 make it read from json
18:00 update for incomplete portion
18:12 dinner
18:55 Baby time
19:06 get questions done
19:49 when empty string and adjust center column
21:28 complete delete questions and delete scenarios named rectification
6:40pm wakup
6:56pm see news (7 mins) tidy loom (3 mins) see loom competitive (7mins)
7:25 jmg
7:49 till verify token
8:19 bath
9:30 go baby
10:45 back from kid's father's day
15:20 fix the bug bugs (first: mine, second: gpt4)
17:19 wakeup
17:30 start
17:50 getCategory
18:00 getAllcategories done
19:11 Dinner + submit success closing
19:30 figure out what is the best place to put error and ask Ilya, as well question subbmitting
21:15 exercise
21:54 display error and reload scenario
22:12 refreshing listing
Pretty slow- big bug
7:02am wakeup
7:32am jmg
8:25am back
8:51am organized though
9:12am hair cut and bath
11:33am finished all admin stuff and pd
6:00pm back
5:40-6:00 dinner
6:00-6:23 write KW
Ahem...too much emotional turbulent
The right way:
1. Train your listening skill (how this can help)
2. Handle this in a profesional way
3. When you don't get the data
a. see what are the thing you can help (time-bound, plan for the worst)
b. assume everything will come out best (it's the case normally, hope for the best)
c. don't waste too much time on it.
4. You need to manage your emotion, don't let your emotion waste time for nothing.
7:24 starting
7:51 no starting
7:51-9:00 finish UOB, learning mfcc + spectogram\
9:16 start react
9:45 change popup windows to the right one
10:11 finish all services function
5:22am yesterday sleep outside 11:18pm
5:59am finish all deletion (not familiar with deletion, and update create scenario)
6:06am finish authorization
6:28am download yitang and sub course
8:35am wakeup
--reflection-- prioritize 生活, prioritize修行, make this a long term activity
more important is 生活smoothness
9:30 go
10:50 back for awhile, half way list scenario
1:30 back
1:39 get scenarios and questions done
2:06 wash and start listen lesson
7:30 back
8:59 sleep, shixiong course, tbsn letter, see some video, blah..
6:02> wakeup and 金母功
6:50 write blog
6:59-7:19 integrate with openai and abstract it into a class
8:00 Icon with tooltip
8:22 add close button (fix the absolute position and also the z-index)
8:35 disbled send button accordingly
8:38 breakfast
8:46 done
8:52 add active font color
9:30 half way through category deletion (make it a rule, when you can code in one minute, dont rely on chatgpt, otherwise, you will be a slave of it!)
10:27 back from william parent's day (key, make him self-reliance, and improve on communication)
10:39 delete option worked
10:46 change add new scenario button
3:15pm back
3:45pm bath etc.
4:54pm sleep
5:22pm see email and news
5:57pm ask question
6:30pm still thinking about it
6:30pm-7:40pm practise and after than eating
7:45pm moving the relevant folder to covgpt
10:14pm get the initial create delete done in db
10:39 get all the logic, remain
6:45-6:56 Have stackoverflow question wrote and have GPT answered, ultimately, I got two classes QuestionInput and QuestionInputWithVoice merged together and solved problem. Self-solved? Might take 3-4 hours.
6:58- 8:45 exercise
8:45-9:15 find all volo notes
9:15-9:48 cut hair+bath
-11:00 mantra
#send the ai answer
#ask 物业
#ask shixiong
#cancel slack
12:37-1:34 wakup
1:46 merge the voicebutton into questioninputwithvoice
2:08 tidy desktop and try out the button volume
2:26 initial volume console log is done
2:36 some finetuning on the volume
2:46 volume with audio visual finish initial
3:20 still deal with volume smoothing problem
4:54 back from massage
6:22 finish handling the volume smoothing problem and extract the svg class out and fix the ide issue
7:12 discuss with ilya, having dinner
7:13-7:41 finish the button centralized
7:49-9:34 everything for sending finish, spend a lot of time to abstract questioninputwithvoice, not worth it.
9:34-10:21 server side connected (gpt teach how to get query)
TTS day
7:07am-8:19am investigate stt, breakfast, bath, share, to chant
9:30am until
11:03am start middle wait for the computer recovery see video
2:32pm record loom video for meeting, nap, chat with Agung, think of NJ, plan for stand up, think of deepgram
to 4:19pm finish the UOB task
7:30pm-10:20pm finish the STT (using windows component (just 5 mins with GPT!))
#Plan for Watson NLP
#Plan for Standup
why background change
why the cloumn widdth/height not right
give stackoverflow question with help of gpt
eat, bath, chat
9:35am - 12:42pm
the stackoverflow fixed problem
remaing autheticatoin page issue (gpt helps a bit)
1:15pm wakeup-3:06pm finish the get serversideprops redirection (gpt helps alot, this is easily a 1-2 days - task, since a lot of learning is required - watch video etc.)
3:06pm-5:07pm make redux toolkit provision with meetings (not finish yet, but not worth it to continue at this moment)
5:07-7:17pm dinner and finish all authentication issue (oauth, delete extra pages, router.replace) (gpt not helping much here
summary (help a lot)
1. stackoverflow help
2. serversideprops learning and implement
下面一小时+学习试错, 平常6-10小时
- fast api testing
- mongodb.js done
till 2:09pm (with all meetings)
- sign in, sign up, forget, reset password done
3:57pm-5:14pm fix all deployment issues
5:14pm - 6:20pm fix authetication flow issue (with dinner)
8:30pm-10:15pm fix remaining
1. after sign up not login
3. google sign in issue
4. google sign up issue
1. 现在加学习试错都挺快了,以后没有这个部分就更快了
2. 发现了这是个accelerate process, 本来快,后面还会更快
3. 现在都是文字学习,以前一个command 没搞懂,需要各种找 - 搜寻,看video, 问stackoverflow, 自己试,现在都不需要了,一个问题就搞定。而且看文字是最快的学习方法。马不停蹄的学习开发。
4.开发整体来说是加快6倍到10倍,感觉后面还会继续放大 - 因为有了utilty, 更加熟悉chatgpt(怎么问问题), 和language 本身(减少学习和试错时间)。
5. 傍晚时间会给自己一个rest (驾车,运动 等), 感觉这样很好调和比较紧的工作,和生活。
5 days learning
2 June - 7 June Understand the entire architeture and do the first dropdownbox
5 days coding (all frontend)
8 June 9 commits
9 June 3 commit (writing python code)
10 June 8 commits
11 June 10 commits
12 June 14 commits
没有chatgpt, easily 2 months, learning 1 month, UI 1 month
UI 部分还有前面的code可以参考,不然要花更久。
后面就是 backend 了
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