Saturday, October 16, 2021

游思 - Current + Algo + Future

所谓游思就是游泳中的思维,游泳让你能够从比较大的方向来思考很多的问题,得出很多的答案,思考方式想到一个问题problem,然后divide and conquer, 然后个别subproblem带着一个subsolution。 Problem的出现是random的也可以可能是从前面的problem引申到下面另外一个problem。



1. Look at the course and Randy solution to know inside out

2. Vite - why do we need to use it?

3. .Net - why using MVC controller core, not Web API?


And Individual Decision Highlight in tree-diagram (don't rely on code):

     - e.g., case a>b, a<b, a=b, especially a=b why the decision is made? Think of it, and write the outcome

When there are more and more cases, you can merge them

You must find joy when working on it just like Math


The product must be useful for me

Whatever it is, the ultimate goal for your life is to find places and resources for understanding for the emptiness


Algo - for fun and usage

Morning run - for happy and energy

Evening swim - for 游思

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